Module #10 Assignment
Question #1
# install.packages("car")
# Load the dataset
# Fit the linear regression model
model <- lm(spemax ~ age + weight + bmp + fev1, data = cystfibr)
# Perform ANOVA
anova_result <- anova(model)
# Display regression coefficients
# Print ANOVA results
The interpretation of the results would involve looking at the coefficients for each variable in the model. These coefficients represent the estimated change in the response variable "spemax" for a one-unit change in the corresponding predictor variable while holding other predictors constant. The ANOVA result tests the overall significance of the model.
Question #2
# Load the dataset
# Fit a linear regression model for log-transformed birth weight
model10 <- lm(log(bwt) ~ I(log(ad) + log(bpd)), data = secher)
# Sum of regression coefficients
sum_coefficients <- sum(coefficients(model10)[2:3])
# Display the sum of regression coefficients
The interpretation states that an increase in both the log of abdominal diameter and the log of biparietal diameter leads to a combined expected increase of approximately 3 units in log-transformed birth weight. The fact that the sum of coefficients is close to 3 suggests that these two variables together have a significant influence on birth weight.
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